DIU Chair attends sustainable edu meet

Dr Md. Sabur Khan, Founder and Chairman of Daffodil International University presents keynote speech at Sustainable Education Meeting 2019 at New York recently.
Dr Md. Sabur Khan, Founder and Chairman of Daffodil International University presents keynote speech at Sustainable Education Meeting 2019 at New York recently.
Campus Report :
Dr Md. Sabur Khan, Founder and Chairman of Daffodil International University (DIU) and Daffodil Family presented keynote speech at Sustainable Education Meeting 2019 (SEM2019). SEM 2019 during the United Nations General Assembly Opening Week in New York City recently with the General Theme of the Meeting “Investing in Education Pays Well! – Financing@EDU 2.0 – Education Finance in a Data-Driven Society and the EduTech Value Proposal” and Dr Md. Sabur Khan has made his presentation on “The Development of Education in Bangladesh and the Role of International Financial Entities: The Asian Context”.
Partnered by UNESCO Global Action Program on Education for Sustainable Development on “Reinforcing partnerships SDGs 4 and 17- Sustainable Education and Technology” the event was organized by Millennium@EDU Sustainable Education.
More than two hundred representatives from business firms, academic institutions participated in the event and discussed about possibilities on the bi-lateral educational potential and academic collaborations between countries.
HE José Ulisses de Pina Correia e Silva, Prime Minister of Cape Verde as well as more than seven education ministers from different countries were present on the occasion. Among others, Prof Dr Mohamed Ould Aamar, Director General, Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO); Dr Dautarin da Costa, Minister of National Education and Higher Education, Republic of Guinea-Bissau; H.E. José Manuel Durão Barroso, Former President of the European Commission 2004-2014, Member of Education Commission; Teresa Ribeiro, Prof Dr Bernardo Ivo Cruz, Executive Board Member, SOFID – Portuguese Sustainable Development Finance Institution; Secretary of State of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation; Prof Sarah Anyang Agbor, Commissioner for Human Resources, Science and Technology, African Union Commission (AUC), Portuguese Government were also present in the event.