More than 7 yrs in jail: Dispose 139 prisoners’ cases within Aug: HC

Staff Reporter :
The High Court (HC) on Monday ordered to dispose of the cases of 139 prisoners within August 2018 who are now detained in 68 jails of the country for more than seven years due to delayed trial.
The HC bench of Justice M Enayetur Rahim and Justice Shahidul Karim passed the order after Supreme Court Legal Aid Committee brought the matter to the attention of the court.
Advocate Cumer Debul De, a member of the committee, appeared in the
court on behalf of the committee. Supreme Court Legal Aid office on November 19, 2017 wrote letters to the authorities of 68 jails of the country seeking information of the prisoners who are in jail for more than seven years for delayed trial.
To response those letters, the jail authorities sent a list of 256 prisoners on December 31, 2017. The Supreme Court Legal Aid Committee brought a short list of 139 prisoners to the attention of the court after scrutiny.
After the court order Advocate Cumer Debul De said that the HC ordered to dispose the cases of the 139 prisoners within August 31, 2018.
As per Legal Aid Committee’s list, 44 prisoners are in the jails of Dhaka Division, 43 prisoners in Chittagong Division, 16 prisoners in Rajshahi Division, 12 prisoners in Sylhet Division, 1 prisoner in Barishal Division, 5 prisoners in Khulna Division, 10 in Rangpur Division and 8 in Mymensingh Division.