Disney attorney calls Scarlett’s lawsuit an ‘orchestrated PR campaign’


The ongoing dispute between Scarlett Johansson and Disney over the release of Black Widow has continued to grow, and most recently, Disney attorney Daniel Petrocelli has stepped in to say that Johansson’s lawsuit is nothing more than a public relations campaign. Speaking to Variety, Petrocelli noted that the demands in Johansson’s litigation are beyond what any actor’s contract with the studio might suggest. Petrocelli went on to say that the moves Johansson has made are being done in an orchestrated manner, despite what their contract may say. “It is obvious that this is a highly orchestrated PR campaign to achieve an outcome that is not obtainable in the lawsuit. No amount of public pressure can change or obscure the explicit contractual
commitments. The written contract is clear
as a bell,” Petrocelli said.
