Discussion on Mourning Day at SEU

Campus Report :
Speakers at a meeting urged all to the build the future Bangladesh by imbuing with the ideals of Bangabandhu. Southeast University (SEU) organized the discussion meeting on the occasion of National Mourning Day and Death Anniversary of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, held recently at its Seminar Hall at Banani in the capital.
State Minister for Food Nuruzzaman Ahmed, MP, was present at the meeting as chief guest, while the Vice-Chancellor of Southeast University Prof Dr Anwar Hossain was in the chair.
Pro-Vice Chancellor Prof Dr Md. Humayun Kabir Chowdhury delivered the welcome address. Registrar Maj Gen Kazi Fakhruddin Ahmed, psc (Retd) presented a paper at the discussion meeting. Dean (Acting) SSE Prof. Syed Fakhrul Hassan delivered the vote of thanks. Among others, Chief Coordinator of BOT, SEU Trust Wing Cdr. Syed Ahmed Kabir, fawc, psc (Retd), Deans of different schools, Chairs of different departments, Faculty Members and a good number of staffs and students of SEU were present at the meeting. The State Minister mentioned that the killers wanted to wipe out the ideals of Bangabandhu by annihilating him.