Discussion on Imam Khomeini tomorrow


A discussion marking the 28th death anniversary of Hazrat Imam Khomeini (RA) will be held at the BMA auditorium in the city on Friday.
Iran Cultural Centre, Dhaka will organise the programme titled ‘Imam Khomeini (RA): Harbinger of Unity, Peace and Dialogue’. Prime Minister’s Political Affairs Adviser HT Imam will attend the event as the chief guest while Ambassador of Iran in Bangladesh Dr Abbas Vaezi Dehnavi and Vice-chancellor of University of Information Technology and Sciences ( UITS) Prof Dr Mohammad Siddiqur Solaiman will be present as special guests.
Dr Mohammad Siddiqur Rahman Khan of the Department of Islamic History and Culture of Dhaka University will present the keynote paper while eminent researcher Dr Maulana Muhammad Isa Shahedi will discuss on the life and work of Hazrat Imam Khomeini (RA).
