Discussion meet on Victory Day at Parents Care School & College

Chattogram Bureau :
A discussion meeting in observance of the great Victory Day was held at Parents Care School and College campus on Sunday last with Principal Nurul Islam in the chair. Chairman o f Chattogram EducationWelfare council Principal Dr.Abdul Karim graeed the occasion as Chief Guest. Director of Parents Care school & college Principal Dr.Jaharlal Bhattachariya,Advocate Dr. Md Samiuddin, Dr. Khaled Bin Kabir. Principal Md. Nurul Amin, Admin officer of the School MA Fazal were present in it as special guests.
The day-long programme of the Victory Day was launched through reciting national anthem. The chief guest in his brief deliverations pays rich tributes to the father of the nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman from beginning of his speech.
He also asked the students of the school to devote themselves in their education aimed at fulfilling the dream of the Father of the Nation sinking all difference for the better interest of the country.