‘Disciplined life reduces hypertension risk’


Health experts at a discussion called upon all to lead disciplined life to control hypertension which is considered as silent killer.
They especially recommended regular physical exercise, less salt intake, changed food habit and maintaining proper weight for the HBP patients to reduce risks of deadly heart attacks, strokes and brain hemorrhages.
They said this at the discussion organised recently by Rangpur Hypertension and Research Centre (RHRC) on the Deputy Commissioner’s office premises in Rangpur in observance of the World Hypertension Day-2018.
The RHRC, a sister organisation of ‘Wasim-Waleda Bahumukhi Kallyan Foundation’, arranged a rally followed by the discussion.
The main objectives of the observance were to educate the people about severe consequences of hypertension and uncontrolled HBP to reduce risks of heart attacks, brain hemorrhage, damage of kidney, eye sight and many other organs.
Earlier, a rally, participated by physicians, teachers, journalists, students, civil society members, hypertension patients, professionals and elite, was brought out on the streets.
