Disaster risk mitigation workshop at BUET

Prof Dr Gowher Rizvi, Advisor (International Affairs) to the Prime Minister and Chief of Governance Innovation Unit is seen as chief guest along with the other guests at an international workshop on disaster risk mitigation held at BUET on Saturday.
Prof Dr Gowher Rizvi, Advisor (International Affairs) to the Prime Minister and Chief of Governance Innovation Unit is seen as chief guest along with the other guests at an international workshop on disaster risk mitigation held at BUET on Saturday.
Campus Report :
The inaugural ceremony of a two-day long workshop on ‘International Conference of Disaster Risk Mitigation 2017’ was held at BUET Council Bhaban on Saturday. BUET-Japan Institute of Disaster Prevention and Urban Safety (BUET-JIDPUS) and Department of Civil Engineering, BUET organized the workshop chaired by Prof Dr Saiful Islam, Vice-Chancellor of BUET.
Prof Dr Gower Rizvi, Advisor (International Affairs) to the Prime Minister and Chief of Governance Innovation Unit (GIU) was the chief guest at the event. Prof Dr Jailor Reza Choudhury, Vice-Chancellor, University of Asia Pacific delivered the keynote speech.
Hitoshi Ara, Senior Representative, JICA Bangladesh spoke as special guest. Conference Chair Dr Ahsan Kabir and Conference Co-Chair Dr Tamed M Al-Hussaini Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, BUET also spoke on the occasion.