Disabled’s job crisis due to employers’ nonconfidence


Most of the disabled persons after completing their education career have been facing various problems while looking for jobs due mainly to the lack of confidence of the employers. BRAC Competence Development Programme Chief Tanvir Khan made the remark while presenting a keynote paper at a roundtable on Disability, Competence and Employment organised by the BRAC in the city. He said though some disabled persons get jobs on humanitarian ground, they face uncertainty at their workplaces. “The disabled persons also face challenges to find appropriate business,” he said suggesting alternative employment along with friendly working atmosphere for these disadvantaged people through their skill development.
Chief Technical Advisor of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Kishor Kumar Singh, Executive Director of Action on Disability and Development Shafiqul Islam, Vice Chairperson of Access Bangladesh Foundation Mahuya Paul and Reazul Majid of BRAC joined the panel discussion. Kishor Kumar Singh said, “We have to think about three important initiatives to create employment for the disabled persons along with their overall development.”
The initiatives are: mass awareness at the government, institution and private levels, improving cooperative relations between different ministries and other stakeholders, and establishing partnership and networking. Speakers at the roundtable said around 10 percent people of Bangladesh somehow are disabled. It is necessary to create scope for them to get job. To this end, the BRAC trained 3,000 disabled persons on 17 trades since 2012.
