Disabled woman, her newly born baby rescued

Netrakona Correspondent :
An unidentified disabled young woman aged about 22 with her newly born baby have been undergoing treatment at the female ward of Netrakona Sadar Hospital since October 16 last.
They were admitted to the hospital under the supervision of Police Super Netrakona Akbar Ali Munshi.
Police sources told the New Nation Correspondent here yesterday that acting on a telephonic information, a police team of Kendua Police Station under Netrakona District rescued the unknown woman and her newly born baby from the road side area nearby Sahitpur Bazer in Kendua upazila on the night of October 15 last. Then the police team also admitted them to Kendua Health Complex with critical condition.
Immediately after receiving the information, the police super took necessary steps to pick up the women and her baby to the Netrakona sader Hospital for better treatment.
“The mentally retarded woman cannot say her actual name and identity—–She says, she came from Sahitpur bazer from Dhanmondi of capital city Dhaka by boarding on a bus”, the police super Akabar Ali Munshi said.