Dipta Chakraborty and S.M. Firuz Kabir, 2 Bangladeshi young cyclists and students of Daffodil International University with certificates and medals after upholding their names in Guinness Book of World Records in `Longest Single Line’ category on cycling.

Dipta Chakraborty and S.M. Firuz Kabir, 2 Bangladeshi young cyclists and students of Daffodil International University with certificates and medals after upholding their names in Guinness Book of World Records in `Longest Single Line' category on cycling
Dipta Chakraborty and S.M. Firuz Kabir, 2 Bangladeshi young cyclists and students of Daffodil International University with certificates and medals after upholding their names in Guinness Book of World Records in `Longest Single Line' category on cycling