Diplomats to work together with BD to face challenges of 4IR


Foreign diplomats based in Dhaka have assured Bangladesh of working together to face the challenges due to emergence of Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) that encompasses the idea of ICT-led advancements leading to revolutionary changes in the modern civilization.
The assurance came when both State Minister for Foreign Affairs Shariar Alam and State Minister for ICT Zunaid Ahmed Palak sought cooperation of the foreign countries to face the challenges posed by the emergence of 4IR that involves Artificial Intelligence (AI), robotic transformation and Internet of Things (IoT) at the ‘Ambassador Night’ held on Monday at the state guest house Padma.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Division organized the function to mark the forthcoming ‘Digital World 2017’ scheduled to be held on December 6-9, 2017.
The diplomats including US Charge d’ Affairs (CDA) Eduardo Garcia, minister counsellor of delegation of the European Union Konstantinos Vardakis, deputy head of mission of the Netherlands Jeroen Steeghs, ambassador of Norway Sidsel Bleken, Ambassador of Bhutan Sonam Tobden Rabgye, Ambassador of Philippines Vicente Vivenco T. Bandillo, Ambassador of the democratic Republic of Korea AHN Seong-doo, Policy Adviser of A2i of Prime Minister’s Office Anir Chowdhury, President of BASIS Mostafa Jabbar spoke at the function, that followed by, a power-point presentation by LICT component Team Leader Sami Ahmed about the objectives of the Digital World and progress in Bangladesh’s ICT sector.
Shariar Alam urged the foreign countries to come up with a coordinated effort as the world has been experiencing new challenges due to emergence of 4IR.
Bangladesh wants to cope up with the ICT-led advancements which are bringing a revolutionary change in the society and job markets, Alam said and urged the foreign diplomats to take coordinated efforts to address the challenges of introduction of AI, IoT and robotic transformation.
Zunaid Ahmed Palak said the idea of ICT-led advancement in line with fourth industrial revolution leading to revolutionary changes in the modern civilization has been chosen as the theme of the Ministerial Conference for Digital World 2017.
He called upon the foreign diplomats to ensure participation of the ministers of their respective countries and other foreign dignitaries at the ministerial conference and join dialogue for identifying the challenges for reaching an understanding to resolve the issues.
Palak said the government has made an investment-friendly environment through building ICT infrastructure including IT parks aimed at making at least 5 percent contribution of the ICT sector in the GDP. Bangladesh’s ICT sector is progressing fast and country’s IT firms are being awarded by the foreign countries to develop their IT system, he added.
