Diplomats expressed concern for extra- judicial killing


Diplomats, stationed in Dhaka, yesterday expressed deep concern over the “extra-judicial killings” in the ongoing nationwide anti-narcotics drive, as per a local daily report.
They expressed the concern as a delegation from the international affairs sub-committee of ruling Awami League briefed them about the current political situation of the country, said three AL leaders present at the briefing. More than one hundred persons have already been killed causing a wave of concern among all sections of people not directly beneficiaries of the government. Over 7,000 other “peddlers” have also been held.
 The question cannot be asked expecting an answer why the government was indifferent for so many years allowing drug traffickers to run their illegal business. The diplomats were told that the government would investigate whether the law enforcers had used any “excessive powers” during the raid. The diplomats also wanted to know from the delegation members about the government’s plans for the next parliamentary elections and making them inclusive.
The diplomats also wanted to know whether the AL feared any confrontation over the upcoming parliamentary polls, slated for December. In reply the AL team said the party was always in favour of free, fair and inclusive elections. It blamed the BNP for creating chaos during polls. The party also apprised the diplomats about alleged corruptions committed by Khaleda Zia and her son BNP acting chairman Tarique Rahman.
Extra-judicial killings have been going on for a while now–it seems unlikely that the government will end the killing spree. It has said the process is continuous one. This judge, jury, and executioner style killings is inhuman and not the rule of law. It is not civilised for a free country to kill people without trial and without proving through a process to their guilt.
We are so helpless that we cannot assure our people safety of life.
