Diplomat of Libyan embassy in BD fired


The charge d’affaires of the Libyan embassy in Dhaka, Khaled Mohamed Abu Said has cautioned all not to keep any contact with their “former” diplomat Mhamoud MM Sallabi.He said, Sallabi had been “sacked” as the charge d’affaires and was “removed” in the first week of this month.But he was still keeping contacts with Bangladesh authorities that prompted Said to hold a press briefing on Saturday.Sallabi could not be reached for his comment. Gas and oil-rich Libya has been struggling after the Nato-backed removal of long-term leader Col Muammar Gaddafi in 2011.Last year’s elections produced two rival governments and their militia allies. Bangladesh, like other countries, recently suspended diplomatic operations in Tripoli after escalation of hostilities.Said claimed that Sallabi was removed as he “destroyed our government’s image enough by involving himself with an unscrupulous and bad circle for his personal benefit and of some local staff as well”.He said his government informed the foreign ministry about his removal. Said added that a foreign ministry team would talk to the officials of the embassy on Sunday.
