Dipan was follower of Zia’s ideals: Ripon

UNB, Dhaka :
BNP on Thursday arranged a doa and milad mahfil seeking eternal peace for the departed soul of slain publisher Faisal Arefin Dipan.
The programme was held on the ground floor of the party’s Nayapaltan central office after Zohr prayers.
In a brief address prior to the prayer programme, BNP spokesman
Asaduzzaman Ripon said Dipan had no direct involvement with BNP’s politics, but he was a follower of the ideals of its founder Ziaur Rahman.
He said, Dipan was vice president of BNP’s associate organization Zia Memorial Library. “We strongly denounce his murder.”
He alleged that the country’s people are passing their days in panic as an unusual situation has been prevailing in the country. The BNP spokesman said extremism emerges for absence of political civilities and lack of democracy, accountability and the rule of law.