Dignity of woman in Islam

Ameer Hamzah :
Man and women are complementary. According to the Holy Quran, they are garments of each other, one from another, sign of civilization. Sadly, the critics have failed to realise the truth, rather, mocks when they (Muslim women) wear hizab (veil).
The pride of woman in Islam is so high that it can hardly be described in words Allah one day sent Archangel Jibreel to the Prophet Muhammad (Sm) with the news of a tower built with pearls in the Paradise for Hazrat Khadiza, the first wife of the Prophet, even when she was alive. The Archangel said: “She is coming with food for you. When she arrives, convey her news from Allah, of a lofty tower for her and my salutation as well.” This event testifies how dignified is Khadiza, the first wife of the Prophet, in the eye of Allah.
Hazrat Marium became the mother of a child though no man touched her; whereas in the case of a man it is quite impossible to become father of a child without a woman’s cooperation. Allah sent Angels to her to give the tidings of a son to confirm her chastity.
When Jibreel came to the Prophet to reveal the verses of the Quran, she used to give salutation to Hazrat Ayesha, if she was present. One day, the Prophet told Ayesha to greet the Archangel as he greeted her already. About trial of a woman in case of a charge of immorality, Allah has decreed to produce four witnesses, otherwise, the man who will accuse a woman will receive 80 scourges and he will never be allowed to testify in any case. Interestingly, there is no provision of punishment in the Quran for accusing a man falsely. The Islamic scholars have, however, ruled that the Judges in that case will give the penalty, but not more than 10 scourges.
And (as for) those who accuse their wives of depravity, but have no witnesses except themselves, the evidence of one of these (should be taken) four times, bearing Allah to witness that he is most surely of the truthful ones.
But she can avert the chastisement if she testifies four times; bearing Allah to witness that he is most surely one of the liars. In that case, the Prophet dissolved the marriage tie and gave the child, if any, to the mother.
The Prophet banned beating wives, marriage without bride’s consent and did not promote pronouncement of ‘divorce’ thrice in a single sitting.
In Islam, a woman is entitled to the property of her husband, parents, offspring and brothers and sisters, if they have no children.
Now we think that the opponents will be able to conceive the truth.