‘Digitization enhances quality of services’


Foreign Minister Dr AK Abdul Momen said digitization of different public services has enhanced quality of those lessening public sufferings and saving time and money.
“The introduction of digitization has enhanced quality of services. And it lessens public sufferings side by side with saving time and money,” he said this on Friday while addressing a seminar at Bangabandhu International Conference Centre (BICC) hall here.
Posts and Telecommunications Division arranged the seminar marking the Digital Bangladesh Mela.
Momen called for maintaining a cordial relation between service providers and service recipients to enhance the quality of service.
He called upon the service receives to know the way of getting services.
Dr Momen said the government has put much emphasis on economic and public diplomacy to enhance foreign investment, increasing of export, making export multifaceted and creating employment opportunities for Bangladeshi manpower.
He said around 1.22 crore Bangladeshis workers are now in different countries but most of them are not skilled. “If we can send skilled manpower, our remittance earnings will increase manifolds,” he said.
