Digital Security Law to hide corruption: BNP

Staff Reporter :
The BNP on Thursday accused the government of making the digital security law to silence the media and people’s voice to hide its massive corruption.
“The Digital Security Bill 2018 is the shadow of BAKSAL. The government has made it only to hide their massive corruption and silence the media and people’s voice. They want to envelop the fundamental rights of people of Bangladesh using the law,” said BNP Senior Joint-Secretary General Ruhul Kabir Rizvi in a press briefing at the party’s Naya Paltan central office.
He called upon the people, journalists and those
who believe in free-thinking to be united against the law.
“This black law was formulated to conceal the corruption of billion of taka. The purpose of the law is that neither media nor any other platform can publish any report on the government’s corruption.”
The law will contribute to rise in the offences like corruption and human rights violation. The articles 8, 21, 25, 28, 29, 31, 32 and 43 of the black law are unconstitutional.
Rizvi said, “The constitution’s main spirit, especially the rights of free thinking, freedom of expression, and the freedom of press, have been buried.”
The BNP leader said also law enforcers now will be able to raid media outlets, seize computers and other equipment and arrest anyone without any warrant.
The Digital Security Bill has put people’s security under huge threat as common people will also be affected by the law.
BNP chairperson’s adviser Abul Khayer Bhuiyan, Assistant Organizing Secretary Abdus Salam Azad, Publication Affairs Secretary Habibur Rahman Habib, Assistant Office Secretary Md. Munir Hossain and Executive Committee Member Shamsuzzaman Suruj, among others, were present.