Digital forgery in CU `C’ unit entry test alleged

CU Correspondent :
Digital forgery in the ‘C’ unit admission test under Business Administration Faculty was allegedly committed by the fraud gang in assistance with the authority concerned.
The aspirants, seeking admission in the Business Administration Faculty and appeared at the C2 (Humanities students) and C3 (Science Students) unit admission test, held on Monday, alleged that the answers of all the questions were given through a digital forgery system.
Scrutiny into some question papers, it was found that the answers to the questions were given by blurring the correct answers among five answers while the other four were colored deep black. The students couldn’t initially trace the marks but after appearing in the examination, some students prosecuted the authority concerned for giving the answers tactically. They also alleged that, the persons concerned in question making were involved in the matter, saying they gulped a huge amount of money from a very stronghold fraud gang.
Mahbub Jahangir Pial, hailing from Notre Dame College said, firstly I couldn’t trace the forgery but whenever I answered most of the questions then I observed that all the authentic answers were blurred while the rest were colored back. He deeply condemned the authority concerned for such kind of digital forgery. Another examinee, named Iftekhar Uddin said, ‘we all work hard and study all the yearlong for getting chance to the public universities but having such kind of forgery facilities, the unscrupulous quarter would grab the posts which the meritorious should have.