Digital Bangladesh in global context


Dr. Forqan Uddin Ahmed :
The power, position and prospects of ICT are very immense in Bangladesh. Realizing future prospects, Bangladesh became the member for International Telecommunication (ITU). And with an access to the world-wide ICT movement Bangladesh signed the Meniapolice declaration in the same year. At that time, the then government gave an approval of Internet use and played a significant role in ICT development by withdrawing value added tax from computers and also made the price of computers tolerable. It is known by many of us, that the Computer industries then was fully import based and price was so high that it was beyond the purchasing limit of general people. Dial-up device was the only source of dependence to use Internet. There was nothing as of today’s broadbands. Internet was v-set based which was only used by some international organizations. In some cases, native multinationals and corporate agencies used it. The Prime Minister could realize that e-readiness and all necessary preparation should be made for the maximum use of ICT. In the beginning of 2001, she signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on technical assistance with government of Netherlands. With that accord, Nederland government committed to train up our 7700 teachers on computers and consented to donate 11000 computers of Tulip brands, training guides and accesssories of computers.
Netherlands government donated 10 millions Euro against this project. Computer was first distributed to the prime minister’s childhood educational institutions Azimpur government girls’ school. But it was obstructed by a group of officers and the project was initially disturbed and hampered. After retirement, they are now on Talk-show in TV-channel and raising storms of speech with high sounding voices. In the middle of 2001, though the program was started in small scale, this agreement was postponed during time of new govt. During BNP regime, this project got a bad flavour and had a bad smell from her niece’s name Tulip and it was criticized that the project deal was made only for family business sake. As a result of it image of the country has been much more deteriorated in the international arena. Netherlands government decided to stop the donation. Even they planned to stop the harboring facility of Bangladesh’s ship in their seaport. For breach of agreement, Tulip Company filed case against BNP. By the judgment from Dutch court, Bangladesh was compelled to pay a fine amounting to 4.2 millions Euro. To make ICT world active, the computer businessman in 1997 played a very strong role. Bangladesh Computer Council leaders continued their negotiation with government and were able to highlight its importance. Especially it was drawn to the attention of the Prime Minister where it was made easier by her intervention.
It was political commitment of ‘Awami League’. Some experts and experienced personnel in her government tried their best for a firm and sound condition of ICT. Consequently in 1998, Bangladesh had a positive role in the international telecommunication union as declared in Meniapolice of USA. The then Finance Minister had a talk to Secretary General Mr. Pekka Terzani of Finland and sought cooperation of Asian development bank and World bank to launch a project for the development of telecommunication in Bangladesh. Again Bangladesh also raised their strong voice to organize a UN Apex conference for the development of ICT. In July 2000, Ukinaya, Japan organized G-8 conference in order to develop ICT and to alleviate poverty and a proposal of international memorandum was passed by majority board members which was familiar as Ukinaya Charter. Japan was the host country. Meanwhile, the former Deputy Minister Ushiho Utshomi ICT ministry gave full support for Bangladesh’s ICT development. Form the beginning of our independence, Japan as a close friend of Bangladesh has been helping us much in the line of ICT. Awami League in 1997-1998 in the midst of opposition was capable to build image internationally. After 2000, a world-wide movement has been started in ICT and mutual cooperation became an inevitable subject for ICT development. Particularly the high price of ICT accessories, production and marketing and monopoly marketing control became a challenging to the developing countries. So the G-8 leaders were very serious to hear opinions of the developing countries for the implementation of Ukiaya charter. It is very eventful for us that the G-8 leaders invited our prime minister to Zenoa of Italy to participate as a guest conference. They wanted to hear from the Prime Minister on poverty alleviation, where ‘digital opportunity task-force’ recommendation was assigned which was named as ‘Zenoa pan’ of action. At the time, present prime minister was opposed by the government to join the program.
But finally she could join there. Today’s digital Bangladesh concept was germinated by the Prime Minister and by her intervention so that our youth force were driven to the world of innovation. Only by this, country will be made a role model. By her inspiration, our present ICT minister Mostafa Jabber, Reza Salim and some others were involved in this sectors. If people are motivated and convinced a super human force may be created by their brain storming in the thinking line where Bangladesh will be developed in the long run, where a proud nation and smart country will emerge. From Okinaya, Zeanoa to Geneva- Teunish the whole world is highly stormed in ICT area.
 The Prime Minister in 2008, declared her digital Bangladesh with her experience, farsightedness and maturity of thinking. Meanwhile Russia has been removed from G-8. Now it is G-7. In spite of Russia’s drop out form G-8, the present G-7 leaders still eager to share with our prime minister, in the coming G-8 conference in Quebec in Canada.
