Diana first Bangladeshi presents paper at WSC


Staff Reporter :
Diana Ansarey, Assistant Professor of ASA University Bangladesh, is the first Bangladeshi presented a paper at the 11th World Shakespeare Conference (WSC) on “The Evolution of Political Shakespeare in Bangladesh” held recently.
She is presently doing her post graduate at the University of Malaya.
Ansarey’s panel was chaired by the renowned author of Professor Minami Ryuta from Tokyo Keizai University, Japan.
Other presenters included Dr Kok Sumei who presented “Shakespeare and the Malaysia’s General Elections “from the University of Malaya and Dr Choi, Young-joo presented a paper on “Political Hamlets in Korea from the 1980s till 2000s “from the Korean National University of Arts, South Korea.
The panel “Shakespeare and the political Circuits of Asia “examines how Shakespeare reverberates within specific political moments of selected Asian nations: Bangladesh 1983-2018, South Korea in the 1980s-2000s, and Malaysia in the new millennium.
Exploring film, theatre, and news reports, its breadth unpacks the rich variety of Asian experiences and perceptions of the Bard.
Ansarey’s paper looked at the different political moments of Bangladesh by analyzing similarities between events and parallel characters in adapted Shakespeare plays in post-independent Bangladesh.
Hence, focusing on intercultural productions (1983-2018) such as Macbeth (1982) directed by Christopher Sandford, Gono Nayok (1992), an adaptation of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar (1599) and Hamlet (2017 ) directed by Ataur Rahman, Darpan(1991) adapted and directed by Aly Zaker , an adaptation of Hamlet (1600), and Macbeth (2018) directed by Ishrafil Shaheen from Dhaka University.
