Dia Mirza on droughts, trolls


Actor Dia Mirza, who recently debuted on the small screen with a show titled Ganga – The Soul of India, has used every opportunity to generate awareness on the need to conserve earth. However, when she recently took a stand on the water crisis in Latur on Twitter, she was trolled. “The irony of the times we live in: farmers commit suicide due to drought and people waste water to `play` #Holi. Go ahead call me anti-Hindu,” she tweeted. The actor later retracted her comment saying it was not meant to hurt any religious sentiment.”The problems that we are facing today are much larger than you and I. It [attacks and trolls] is going to increase; people who use this kind of nonsense to dilute and misguide attention from such grave issues need to be ignored,” she said while speaking to The Hindu recently. The actor, who is also working with animal rights organisation PETA, said: “We need to see what our administrative bodies are doing to reduce affects of such calamities. Sending water tankers is a quick fix but we need to look at long term solutions. For instance increasing tiger numbers cannot be good news if we don’t concentrate to increasing forest cover. Without enough forest corridors man-animal conflict will rise.”
