15-day long programme taken: Dhaka’s traffic discipline starts today


Staff Reporter :
The fortnight (15-day long) traffic discipline programme will start from today (Tuesday) in order to develop and establish the discipline in the city traffic system.
Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal will formally inaugurate the awareness programme initiated by Dhaka Metropolitan Police (Traffic) at Gulistan’s Zero Point at 2:00pm which will continue till January 31.
During the campaign, the DMP will make the people conscious how to abide by the traffic rules, according to a press release issued by the DMP on Monday.
Apart from implementation of the traffic law, the DMP will work for raising public awareness in next 15 days, said the release.
Several hundred members of Bangladesh Red Crescent, Rover Scout, BNCC and Bangladesh Girl Guides will also work alongside police to bring discipline in vehicular movement.
In a statement, DMP Commissioner Asaduzzaman Mia said that such activities would improve discipline in traffic system.
“Traffic law is being implemented strictly through observation of traffic week, traffic discipline week and traffic awareness month,” he said in a statement.
The DMP incentives are distribution of leaflets, placards, festoons and guide books, deployment of traffic police and volunteers during start and closing times of schools and colleges situated beside the main roads, special traffic drives against hydraulic horn, reckless driving, movement on wrong side, making mandatory the wearing of helmets for bikers and keeping the road from Farmgate to Saatrasta open for vehicular movement.
The other steps are install Zebra crossings and road markings, continuing of mobile courts and traffic raids, check post activities in the city, encourage people to use foot-over bridges, measures to keep car doors locked while driving, measures against stopping vehicles without designated stoppages and increasing number of video cases.
