Dhaka Zila Parisad staff among 15 set to be sued

UNB, Dhaka :
The Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) is set to file 15 cases against 76 people, including Dhaka Zila Parisad staff, for allegedly misappropriating public money from different projects.
The Commission at a recent meeting approved proposals to file the cases against them for reportedly swindling Tk 1.69 crore from different projects of Dhaka Zila Parisad, ACC public relations officer Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya told UNB.
Some 10 Zila Parisad staff-accountant Golam Mustufa, deputy assistant engineers Zakir Haider,
M Assaduzzaman, ATM Minzanur Rahman, Harun-ur-Rashid, MA Faruque Laskar and Nur Nabi Patan, former deputy assistant engineer Mafizur Rahman, higher grade clerk Reaz Ullah and lower grade clerk Touhidul Islam Bhuyian-will be sued in these cases.
Among the 76 people, the ACC will also sue 10 bank officials and 56 people.
According to an inquiry of the Commission, project implementation committee of the Zila Parisad disbursed about Tk 1.69 crore against 15 fake projects during 2013-14 fiscal, and all the accused in collusion with each other misappropriated the amount.