Dhaka WASA Managing Director Engr. Taqsem A Khan receives German society for trenchless technology “GSTT- Award Gold 2017” from Mladen Bilinc, representative of German Company PFEIFFER in a ceremony at Dhaka WASA Board room on Monday. DWASA was nominated for this award, as recognition to remarkable progress in installation of water supply pipelines through trenchless technology at a conference in Germany few months ago on rehabilitation of environment-friendly, sustainable and cost effective water supply pipelines through trenchless technology.

Dhaka WASA Managing Director Engr. Taqsem A Khan receives German society for trenchless technology "GSTT- Award Gold 2017" from Mladen Bilinc, representative of German Company PFEIFFER in a ceremony at Dhaka WASA Board room on Monday. DWASA was nominat
Dhaka WASA Managing Director Engr. Taqsem A Khan receives German society for trenchless technology "GSTT- Award Gold 2017" from Mladen Bilinc, representative of German Company PFEIFFER in a ceremony at Dhaka WASA Board room on Monday. DWASA was nominat

