Dhaka urges US to restore GSP facilities


UNB, Dhaka :Bangladesh Ambassador to the United States Mohammad Ziauddin has urged the US administration to restore GSP facilities for Bangladesh and allow duty- quota-free access to the American market recognising massive progress being made ensuring workers’ rights and safety.The Ambassador made the request during a meeting with US Senator Christopher S Murphy (D-Connecticut) at the CapitolHill on Tuesday, said a press release here on Wednesday.Murphy is also a member of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. During the meeting, they discussed a wide range of issues, including restoration of GSP as well as the current political situation in Bangladesh.The Ambassador noted that Bangladesh as an LDC does not enjoy any ‘special or deferential’ treatment from the US in terms of trade while preferential treatments being enjoyed by the trans-pacific partners might chip away the competitive edge of the country like Bangladesh in the US market.
