Dhaka-Thimpu bilateral talks

Deals on trade expansi

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina receiving her Bhutanese counterpart TShering Tobgay at Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport on Saturday.
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina receiving her Bhutanese counterpart TShering Tobgay at Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport on Saturday.

Staff Reporter :Bangladesh and Bhutan on Saturday discussed different issues, including power and hydro-electricity management, agriculture, trade and business, health, education and connectivity between the two countries.The two countries reached consensus to reduce trade gap and strengthen connectivity as well as boost ties in power, water resources, health and other areas of economic and social sectors.Dhaka also urged Thimpu to consider it as a partner in its future hydro-power projects as both the capitals agreed to bridge the existing trade gap between the two countries through the expansion of trade and commerce.The request came at the official bilateral talks between Bangladesh and Bhutan at Prime Minister’s Office in the afternoon. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and her Bhutanese counterpart Tshering Tobgay led their respective sides at the meeting. “At the official talks, the two countries recalled their historic relations and agreed to move ahead with all endevours to tap future prospects,” PM’s press secretary Shameem Chowdhuri said.Sheikh Hasina told the meeting that Bhutan has huge potentials for production of hydro-electricity which can make a significant contribution to the country’s economy by exporting the surplus power to its neighbour, he said. “We’re trying hard for energy security to continue our pace of sustainable development. We’re hopeful that Bhutan’s untapped hydro-power potentials would come to meet our growing energy needs. I would request you to consider Bangladesh in your future hydro-power projects.”She also mentioned that Bangladesh is confident that Bhutan will take care not to allow its hydro-electric projects on the common rivers to have adverse effect on Bangladesh.The Press Secretary said both the leaders stressed enhancing the trade between the two countries for reducing the existing gap as Bangladesh currently exports items worth Tk 20 crore while imports goods worth Tk 175 crore.The Bangladesh Prime Minister said Bangladesh has unilaterally offered Bhutan to use Chittagong and Mongla seaports as also Lalmonirhat and Saidpur airports. “You’re also welcome to use our Paira seaport which is coming up.”Finance Minister A M A Muhith, Commerce Ministter Tofail Ahmed, Foreign Minister A H Mahmood Ali, State Minister for Health Zahid Malek, State Minister for Power, Energy and Mineral Resources Nasrul Hamid were in the Bangladesh delegation. Visiting Minister for Foreign Affairs of Bhutan Rinzin Dorje and Minister of Economic Affairs Norbu Wangchuk and senior officials were present.Shameem Chowdhuri said the talks were held in a cordial atmosphere where the two leaders elaborately discussed their excellent bilateral relations putting emphasis on enhancing connectivity to boost the ties.Sheikh Hasina said transit is one of the prerequisite for increasing export-import between the two countries. Transit with India is indispensable both for Bhutan and Bangladesh.She urged Bhutan to raise the issue with India bilaterally to create an environment of resolving the issue on tripartite basis, Shemeem Chowdhuri said.On this day in 1971, Bhutan recognized new born independent Bangladesh and it was the first country to do so, Sheikh Hasina recalled saying for this people of Bangladesh are sincerely grateful to the government and people of Bhutan.She requested her Bhutanese counterpart to take steps for importing more consumable items, particularly pharmaceuticals, seasonal vegetables, readymade garments, jute and jute products, leather goods, toiletries and chemicals to reduce the trade gap which is disproportionately in favour of Bhutan.The Bhutanese Prime Minister expressed his interest to recruit more doctors from Bangladesh and requested Sheikh Hasina to provide education opportunity for more Bhutanese students in Bangladesh.He laid importance on cooperation of Bangladesh, Bhutan and India for harvesting clean and sustainable energy through exploiting the existing opportunities.Sheikh Hasina said Bangladesh would be happy help Bhutan overcome its scarcity of human resources, particularly in health sector. She requested Tshering Tobgay to revise their remuneration package to encourage Bangladeshi doctors to go to Bhutan.Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina pointed out the spiritual relations between the two countries and laid importance on exchange of religious tourists.Pointing out the recent victory in a football match by Sheikh Jamal Football Club in Bhutan, Sheikh Hasina said sports may be another area for cooperation between the two countries.Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay congratulated Sheikh Hasina for becoming the Prime Minister of Bangladesh for the third time. He also commended the role of Bangladesh Prime Minister in leading the country towards prosperity and at the global forum as well.She mentioned that Bangladesh has so many products like readymade garments, ceramics, pharmaceuticals, jute and jute products, leather goods, toiletries, chemicals and seasonal vegetables that would meet Bhutan’s needs.Putting emphasis on enhancing cooperation in flood control and flood migration, she said more reliable flood forecast data from Bhutan would help Bangladesh tackle floods in the Brahmaputra.Sheikh Hasina also invited the King of Bhutan to visit Bangladesh at his convenient time. During his three-day official visit, the Bhutanese PM will meet President Abdul Hamid.Bangladesh and Bhutan on Saturday signed two agreements including one on trade that will allow the two neighbouring countries to enjoy duty-free export of 90 items to each other.Another agreement is on allocation of a land at Dhaka city’s Baridhara diplomatic enclave to Bhutan for the construction of its embassy.Commerce Minister Tofail Ahmed and Bhutan’s Economic Affairs Minister Norbu Wangchuk inked the agreement on trade for their respective counties, while Foreign Minister AH Mahmood Ali and his Bhutanese counterpart Rinzin Dorje signed the deal on the land allocation.Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and her Bhutanese counterpart Tshering Tobgay witnessed the agreement signing ceremony at the Prime Minister’s Office in Dhaka.Earlier, a red carpet was rolled out as Bhutanese Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay arrived here in the morning on a three-day official visit at the invitation of his Bangladesh counterpart Sheikh Hasina.An aircraft of Royal Bhutan Airlines “Drukair” carrying the Bhutanese premier and the members of his entourage landed at Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport in Dhaka at 9:02am.Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina received the Bhutanese premier at the VVIP Tarmac of the airport at 9:12 am when he alighted from the tiny aircraft. A tiny tot presented a bouquet to Tshering Tobgay.After arrival at the airport, the Bhutanese prime minister was given a guard of honour by a smartly turned out contingent drawn from three services.Accompanied by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, the Bhutanese premier took salute from a decorated dais. He later inspected the guard. The national anthems of the two countries were played at that time. After the warm reception at the airport, the Bhutanese prime minister went to Savar National Memorial where he paid rich tributes to the martyrs of the War of Liberation.Later, Foreign Minister AH Mahmood Ali met with the visiting Bhutanese PM and discussed various issues of mutual interest during the half-an-hour-meeting at Sonargaon Hotel.
