Dhaka mourns coronavirus deaths in China


Bangladesh has expressed solidarity with China as the Asian economic giant is observing national mourning on Saturday for the martyrs who died in fight against the fatal COVID-19 pandemic.
“I would like to express my deep condolences for the loss of lives due to the outbreak of coronavirus in Wuhan city and other places in the China,” Foreign Minister Dr A K Abdul Momen said in a letter wrote to his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi marking the mourning day.
The Bangladesh Foreign Minister also expressed his sympathy for the families of the victim.
Momen also thanked the Chinese government for taking well care of a good number of Bangladeshi citizens living in China at this tragic moment of coronavirus outbreak.
“I assure Your Excellency, the people of the government of Bangladesh are with the friendly people and government of china to address the crisis,” he wrote in the letter.
China is observing the day through flying the national flag at half mast, offering three minutes of silence and suspending all forms of entertainment throughout the country to mourn those who died, including frontline medical workers and doctors.
