Dhaka has 3rd largest FB users among world’s cities

UNB, Dhaka :
With 16 million active Facebook users, Bangladesh’s capital Dhaka has got the third largest number of people on the Facebook among global cities.
According to a report titled ‘Digital in 2017 Global Overview’ conducted by ‘We Are Social and Hootsuite’, the percentage of the total monthly active users is 0.9 percent of the total monthly active users of the social networking site across the globe.
Bangkok topped the list with 30 million active Facebook users while Mexico City second.
The United States has been ranked country having 214000,000 users which is 11 percent and India as second with 191,000,000 users which is 10 percent of total Facebook users. The report shows that more than half of the world’s population now uses the internet. Almost two-thirds of the world’s population now has a mobile phone, says the report. Hootsuite is a platform for managing social media, created by Ryan Holmes in 2008. The organisation deals with the latest essential internet, social media and mobile states from around the world.