Dhaka for solution to Palestinian problems

UNB, Dhaka :
Bangladesh has urged the international community to work in unison to find a legitimate and sustainable solution to the Palestinian crisis and thus eliminate one of the longstanding and grievous threats to international peace and stability.
Prime Minister Shikeh Hasina made the call in a message issued on the occasion of the
International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People to be observed on Saturday.
“Bangladesh joins the international community in reaffirming its unwavering commitment to the realisation of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people to an independent homeland, and a sovereign and viable State of Palestine on the basis of the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital,” she said.
Sheikh Hasina also urged all parties concerned to make a fresh and pragmatic approach for the resumption of the peace process towards the creation of a viable and independent statehood of Palestine within the Two-State solution pursued by the international community.
The Prime Minister reiterated that the occupation of Palestine must come to an end and persecution of the Palestinian people and killing of innocent civilians must stop forthwith. “Bangladesh has always been steadfast in its support for the Palestinian people and their just struggle for self-determination and statehood.”
This day assumes an added significance this year, she said, as the ‘International Year of Solidarity with the Palestinian People’ declared by the UN is being observed.
Hasina also said, Bangladesh has also been in the forefront of international condemnation against the atrocities, oppression and systematic killings of innocent civilians, including women and children, by the occupying Israeli forces during their unwarranted and unjustified military offensive carried out in the Gaza Strip earlier this year.
She also reaffirmed Bangladesh’s strong conviction in mutual respect, harmonious coexistence of nations and peaceful resolution of disputes and its unflinching solidarity with the Palestinian people in their continued pursuit of justice, safety and dignity in an independent homeland free of occupation and persecution.