Aviation Cooperation: Dhaka for joint efforts among D-8 countries

UNB, Dhaka :
Bangladesh has called for joint efforts among the D-8 countries to find solutions to the problems relating to civil
aviation to ensure globally-harmonised and safe aviation activities.
“Not only the civil organisations, but also all the stakeholders in the D-8 countries should work together and assist each other to find solutions to the problems,” said Civil Aviation and Tourism Minister Rashed Khan Menon on Sunday.
He said, all should extend their cooperation to the regulatory body in taking decisions to overcome the regional and global crises. The minister was addressing the inaugural session of the two-day 8th D-8 (Developing-8) Meeting of Directors General of Civil Aviation and Export Working Group meeting in the city. D-8 Secretary General Dr Seyed Ali Mohammad Mousavi was also present.
Menon said, Bangladesh government is committed to contributing the globally-harmonised aviation activities. “To uphold the commitment, assurance to safety and security in the air transport is our first and foremost priority.” He focused on the important contribution of D-8 Civil Aviation and expected that future cooperation such as continuation of training, sharing expertise and infrastructure investment and harmonisation for implementation of ICAO’s Standard and Recommended Practices (SARP).
“Bangladesh government believes that there is no scope to compromise with the safety issues related to the air transport,” Menon said.
Meanwhile, a web release of the D-8
Secretariat said the attendance by the heads of civil aviation and high-level participation from the D-8 member states made the event more successful and result-oriented one.
Transportation, the civil aviation in particular, is one of the priority sectors identified in the D-8 Roadmap for the economic uplift of the people of the region.
The D-8 leaders envisaged closer and intense cooperation in this sector among the member states and agreed on the framework for engagement.
The two-day meeting would discuss the current development of D-8 civil aviation cooperation, particularly the works of task forces, states of capacity building as well as current development of Memorandum of Cooperation between D-8 and the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO).
The meeting will also assess and evaluate the updates of the report of task forces on air navigation and air traffic management, commercial issues, safety and security and training and capacity building.
Individual task forces on each of these issues apprised the meeting of the developments so far made.
The next day was scheduled for presentation from Civil Aviation Administration on States Capability on training related to safety and security oversight and other areas to develop a data base of member states.
With a population of around 1 billion, which is 15 percent of global population, there is abundance of technical and qualified human resources and opportunities available in this field among D-8 community.
According to the ICAO, air passengers carried in both domestic and international sectors of air carriers reached around 250 million people in 2013 in D-8 countries, of which around 34 percent was contributed by Indonesia, followed by a 30 percent lead by Turkey.