Dhaka Division Handball team win 1st friendly match


Dhaka Division Handball team beat visiting Assam Handball team by 23-22 goals in the keenly contested opening match of the four-match Index Dhaka-Assam Friendly Handball tournament held on Wednesday at Shaheed Captain M Mansur Ali Handball Stadium in the city.
The winners led the first half by 13-12 goals.
Earlier, State Minister for Youth and Sports Dr Biren Sikder formally inaugurated the tournament as the chief guest.
Bangladesh Handball Federation general secretary Asaduzzaman Kohinoor, Walton operative director (head of games and sports) FM Iqbal Bin Anwar, BHF treasurer and tournament committee’s secretary Jahangir Hossain were present, among others, on the occasion.
This is the first time Bangladesh Handball Federation (BHF) invited the Assam handball team to play the friendly series.
The visiting side will play their second match against Bangladesh Ansar and Village Defense Party today (Thursday) at 4 pm.
The visiting side will play the third match against Police Handball team on Saturday (October 6) and again meet with Ansar and VDP in the fourth and final match on October 7.
