Dhaka-Delhi info gap must go: Pankaj


BSS, Dhaka :
Indian High Commissioner in Dhaka Pankaj Saran yesterday stressed the need for business-to- business contacts between the two neighbouring countries to remove Dhaka- Delhi information gap.
“There has to be business-to-business contacts between the two countries to remove the information gap between the two countries,” Pankaj told a seminar at a hotel in the city.
India-Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IBCCI) and Indian High Commission in Dhaka jointly arranged the seminar titled ‘Foreign Investment in Bangladesh: Opportunities and Prospects.’
IBCCI President Abdul Matlub Ahmad chaired the
discussion addressed by MA Samad, executive chairman of Board of Investment.
Pankaj praised Bangladesh’s development initiatives and success stories in different fields saying that Bangladeshis should reach out to different parts of India to project the developments it has achieved over the years. “Many people in India don’t know about the developments in Bangladesh,” said the envoy.
Trade analysts, leading businessmen from both Bangladesh and India, the government high officials and senior bankers shared their views on the topic at the seminar.
MA Samad said Bangladesh not only achieved success in the global trade and commerce but also in different socio-economic indicators.
Bangladesh has become an attractive destination among foreign traders because of favourable trade and investment policies, he said.
