Dhaka, Colombo to sign priority berthing deal

Economic Reporter :
Bangladesh will sign a deal with Sri Lanka on priority berthing and tariff concession at the Chittagong and Colombo ports, said Shipping Minister Shahjahan Khan.
A draft of the deal has been finalised at a secretary level meeting in Dhaka Tuesday.
The minister expected the deal would help the trade between the two South Asian countries get boosted.
He said the cost of transportation and travel time would also decrease and Bangladesh would get priority in berthing at the Colombo port.
“If deal is signed, Bangladeshi cargo ships can berth at Colombo port instead of Singapore port which is costlier than Colombo port,” Shahjahan Khan said.
As per the deal proposal, captains and crews of Bangladeshi ships will get visa in a prompt process and receive training facility.
While inaugurating the secretary level meeting, shipping minister said: “We have agreed to sign the coastal shipping agreement in principle.”
Later shipping secretary Ashok Madhab Roy said the draft of the deal had been finalised and the deal would be signed with presence of heads of government of the both countries.
“However, the date to sign is yet to be finalised,” he added.