Corporate Focus: Dhaka Bank Limited (DBL) signs a MOU with Nokkhottrobari Resort recently. Under the MOU DBL Debit and Credit Cardholders will enjoy discounts on Room Rent and Food of the resort by using their card round the year. H.M. Mostafizur Rahaman, Vice President & Head of Cards, DBL and Tauquir Ahmed, Managing Director, Nokkhottrobari Resort signed the MOU on their respective organizations behalf.

Dhaka Bank Limited (DBL) signs a MOU with Nokkhottrobari Resort recently. Under the MOU DBL Debit and Credit Cardholders will enjoy discounts on Room Rent and Food of the resort by using their card round the year. H.M. Mostafizur Rahaman, Vice President &
Dhaka Bank Limited (DBL) signs a MOU with Nokkhottrobari Resort recently. Under the MOU DBL Debit and Credit Cardholders will enjoy discounts on Room Rent and Food of the resort by using their card round the year. H.M. Mostafizur Rahaman, Vice President &

