Dhaka Ameer among 4 JMB men held

RAB mobile team arrested four JMB outfits from city's Khilgaon and Kamalapur areas on Thursday.
RAB mobile team arrested four JMB outfits from city's Khilgaon and Kamalapur areas on Thursday.
UNB, Dhaka :
Members of Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) arrested four suspected members of banned Islamist militant outfit Jama’atul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB) from the city’s Khilgaon and Kamalapur areas on Wednesday night.
Mohammad Abdul Baten, ameer of the Dhaka district unit of JMB, was among the arrestees.
Sources at the RAB Headquarters said tipped off, the elite force conducted separate drives in Khilgaon and Kamalapur areas at night and arrested the four JMB operatives.
The RAB members also recovered one pistol, a few rounds of bullet, some Molotov cocktails and jihadi books from their possession. Details of the drives would be disclosed at a press briefing later, the sources added.