Dhaka Airport to get 2,500 trolleys in February


News Desk :
State Minister for Civil Aviation and Tourism M Mahbub Ali on Sunday said 2,500 new luggage trolleys will be procured by February while 500 carts to be repaired within 4-5 days at Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport (HSIA) to lessen passengers’ sufferings, reports BSS.
“In last one or two days, some passengers faced hurdles to get a trolley to carry their baggage .. we have already taken affective steps in this regards,” he told reporters after visiting the two terminals of the airport in the capital.
Flight congestions have been seen at HSIA as the Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh (CAAB) suspended flight operation from 12:00am to 8:00am every day from December 10 to March 11 next year for construction works of a speedy taxiway.
The state minister said, 600 out of 2,000 existing trolleys at HSIA got broken but the authority failed to repair those due to the pandemic situation.
“Currently, we are repairing the trolleys everyday and, within 4-5 days, 500 of those broken trolleys will be repaired,” he added.  
Ali said the authority has already involved 32 uniformed personnel to help the passengers to get trolley. “We will appoint more 50 persons for this task,” he added.
The state minister warned to take stern action if anyone found guilty to create artificial crisis of the trolleys.
Ali said he has already talked with the home minister to keep police officers at every immigration counter, so that passengers don’t need to wait in a long queue to pass the airport’s passport control.
“The home minister assured me to take necessary steps in this regards while number of immigration police officers have already been increased,” he added.
The state minister also directed to the airport authority to make sure that arrival passengers will get their baggage within fastest possible time.
