Dhaka 2nd least liveable city

Experts differ with economists survey

Reza Mahmud :
Bangladesh capital Dhaka has ranked the second least liveable city in the world, according to the Economist Intelligence Unit annual global survey.
Bangladesh capital Dhaka has been ranked the second least liveable city in the world, according to the Economist Intelligence Unit annual global survey.
But the Urban specialists here have differed with the view.
“It was not justice to rank our capital as such least liveable city. Those who have conducted the survey should consider our density of population and other capability of this developing country first before ranking its liveability,” Urban Specialist Architect Iqbal Habib told The New Nation on Tuesday.
He said, “In the view of Economist Intelligence Unit the most liveable cities are Austria’s Vienna and Australia’s Melbourne. But has the survey unit consider the density of population of the two cities comparatively with Dhaka? Obviously they have not. Then we are not agreeing with their survey report.”
Iqbal Habib said about 4,500 people live per square kilometer in Dhaka city. But the city can afford to provide them food, nutrition, education, health services and jobs.
The Urban Specialist also said Dhaka has proved that it can revive quickly after any type of insurgency. Dhaka becomes normal very
soon after the terror attack of Holey Artisan. But the New York city of United States cannot do that. The New York’s schools failed to be normal years after shooting which killed several children there. So, the survey unit should consider this capability of Dhaka.
As regard to crime and other discomfort factors, the citizens of Dhaka are facing least crime comparatively with other cities of the world, which ranked above Dhaka accordingly this survey, he added.
The experts said, “You see, in every national occasion like February 21, first day of Bangla calendar, Pahela Boishakh, thousands of people used to take to the street at a time. But there are very few crimes or unpleasant incidents we experienced. It is the result of our social values. It should be honored.”
However, Architect Iqbal Habib also pointed some failures of the Dhaka city. Othersise, it could make its rank higher to anyone’s eyes.
“Obviously, we have some potentials yet to implement as our wealth like rivers are surrounding our capital. On the views of public transportations, we could make a water urbanization to make our city life more standard and comfortable. It should address soon efficiently,” he said.
M A Matin, Secretary General of Bangladesh Paribesh Andolon (BAPA) told The New Nation on Tuesday, “Though the Dhaka residents have some discomforts, that does not mean it is so lower standard city to live in as the Economist survey said.”
He also said there are some matters like waste managements and likewise to be improved to build a more standard city.
The survey report of the Economist team ranked Syria’s capital Damascus as least liveable city of the world.  
At the other end of the scale, war-torn Damascus in Syria was ranked the least liveable city while Lagos of Nigeria was the third, Pakistan’s Karachi the4 fourth and Port Moresby of Papua New Guinea the fifth in position.
Vienna of Austria ranked on the top of most liveable cities, according to the Economist Intelligence Unit survey.