Nilphamari AL Council: Dewan Kamal , Adv Momtaz re-elected President, Secy

Nilphamari Correspondent :
After long 13 years, the tri-annual conference of Nilphamari district unit of Baangladesh Awami League was held on Thursday at Central Shaheed Minar of the district town.
At directive of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina over cell phone in the venue, incumbent committee’s President Dewan Kamal Ahmed and Secretary Adv Momtazul Huque were re-elected in the council.
 Awami League central committee’s elderly presidium member also chief guest Ramesh Chandra Sen inaugurated the council.
Among others, attended the programme were party central committee joint secretary Jahangir Kabir Nanak as key speaker while Organizing Secretary also in charge of the party in Rngpur Division BM Mozammel Huque and local lawmaker also ex- cultural minister Asaduzzaman Noor were present as special guests.
Incumbent district unit president Dewan Kamal Ahmed presided over the inaugural session.
230 councilors though were entitled to attend but large number of grass root members and supporters crowded the venue.
Central Joint Secretary Jahangir Kabir Nanak in his speech said, a vested quarter led by BNP-Jamaat is still active to hinder country’s development party activists should remain vigilant.
Special guest also local law maker Asaduzzaman Noor urged all councilors and delegates to be united firmly and thanked all for arranging the ceremony peacefully and disciplined way.
In the second session, council meeting was held where Jahangir Kabir Nanak presided.