Device found in Sylhet school, not a bomb

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After a day of panic, students and teachers breathed easy at Scholars Home School in Sylhet’s Shahi Eidgah area when RAB’s bomb disposal experts ruled that the device planted at the school on Tuesday was not a bomb.
The RAB bomb disposal squad which rushed to Sylhet from Dhaka made a careful examination of the device plastered with adhesive tape and came to the conclusion it was not a bomb, said Sylhet Airport police station OC Mosharraf Hossain.
Police nabbed a student from tenth standard for planting the device. The school management believes it was planted to cause panic.
The device was found under a staircase at the school on Sunday. Authorities allowed the school to be evacuated after panic spread.
After a preliminary examination, RAB’s Major Jamshedur Rahman said on Tuesday that the circuits in the device appeared to be active.
But to be sure, the RAB called its bomb disposal specialists from Dhaka.
The RAB’s bomb disposal squad reached Sylhet on Tuesday night and started working on the device around 9am on Wednesday.
By 11am, they informed the school management that they were certain the device was not a bomb.
But the RAB is yet to brief the media on the issue.
“After a close examination of the device recovered from our school’s staircase, the RAB is convinced this is not a bomb,” said Scholars Home’s principal Brigadier (retd) Zubair Sidduque. “But it was packed in a way to give the impression this was a bomb. “
OC Mosharoff Hosain said that the student who had placed the device in the school is being interrogated.