Development Organisation of the Rural Poor (DORP) on Sunday awards “JayaPati” to seven couples as recognition of relationship between two hearts. On the occasion of celebrating the 30 years of DORP, the programme was attended by Political Advisor to the Prime Minister, H T Imam, Kazi Rozi MP, and Nurjahan Begum Mukta, MP and founder of the NGO and Laureate, Gusi Peace Prize International AHM Nouman. The programme was held at Bishwa Sahitya Kendra Auditorium in the city.

Development Organisation of the Rural Poor (DORP) on Sunday awards "JayaPati" to seven couples as recognition of relationship between two hearts. On the occasion of celebrating the 30 years of DORP, the programme was attended by Political Advisor to the
Development Organisation of the Rural Poor (DORP) on Sunday awards "JayaPati" to seven couples as recognition of relationship between two hearts. On the occasion of celebrating the 30 years of DORP, the programme was attended by Political Advisor to the