Developing country status: No magic work


Dr. Forqan Uddin Ahmed :
Bangladesh’s success & recognition as a developing country is not an Aladin’s lamp. It cannot be attained by magic or could be achieved over a day. It’s a continuous process. Requires long cherished desire, struggle, hard work, endeavour, patience, commitment and sincere efforts of all people. One can not reach his or her destination in a shortcut way. Its requires sacrifice, sincere efforts and political commitment. The way Bangladesh is advancing and achieved the honor and recognition by UN undoubtedly reminds unparallel leadership of Banglabandhu and her eligible daughter Sheikh Hasina’s farsightedness. If we look to the far and wide of the society and states, we see some outstanding lights who can alleviate people’s suffering and remove the frustration, troubles of down trodden and fallen people.
Banglabandhu Sheikh Mojibur Rahman, the father of the nation upholds that courage. As a Banglaee born great human being, he tried his best for the renaissance an to foster the mind of the Banglaees. He moved to and fro of the then East Pakistan as flying bird for Bangalees’ emancipation. As a result, Sheikh Mojib turned to a enemy of ruling class. But this could not press him and put him to a halt. Rather, he moved to find ways and means for their social and national identity. He took up the challenge of protest along with the mass people. Under the leadership of Awami League he inspire the whole Banglaee nation. He declared the manifesto for the exploited Banglaees with love and feelings. He was by heart a Banglaee and the Banglaees were in close relationship with the father of the nation.
The people were very sacrificing under his command and leadership. He realized that through the creation of Pakistan there were no visible benefits of the Banglaees. So Sheikh Mojib came forward and organized the people. Since 1948-75 the spirit of liberation war led the Banglaees towards a free nation and free state. But it did not come over a night. There lies the struggle, and a long history. The whole World is aware of it. But the tragedy is that in 1975, the father of the Nation has been brutally killed along with his family members. This was a conspiracy against our history and dream. But the conspirators committed the mistake that Sheikh Mojib is not a single person. He become the institution of the nation.
He was the symbol of unity & integrity. At that time, our honorable Prime Minister was in German with her husband Dr. Wajid Miah, a scientist. It is fortunate for all the Bangalees that Sheikh Hasina was living abroad. if she were in Bangladesh, she could be a victim of the killing mission. God is kind and she was saved. But she had lost all her dear and near ones.
She left her two kids and in German and came back to Bangladesh on 17th May 1981. The political scenario at that time was not congenial. From her return in the soil of Bangladesh, she delivered a speech in Kormitola Airport. She shared her feeling and love with the depressed and deprived people and committed to serve them not as a leader of Awami league but as an ordinary work man of the party.
At that time, Bangladesh Awami league was in a crises of leaders. He came back to Bangladesh and devoted to relentless work with a mission to complete the unfinished task of Sheikh Mojibur Rahman. By her sincere activities Sheikh Hasina could restore the sense of liberation war and independence. This belief has been established today by all the Bangalees and by their support. Awami League came to power in 1996. Again in 2008 Awami League got peoples mandate in election. The trial of the war criminal started through a process of tribunal. This time, Bangladesh became a role model of development. He planned for the vision 2021 and 2041. She declared the goal of digital Bangladesh. Meanwhile Bangladesh has fulfilled and achieved the desired targets in the line of ICT. Besides the campaign for health, education, accommodation, food is in the upstream. People are not hungry now. They do not have any demand of basic needs. The country is very stabled now. No anarchy and no abnormal situation is prevailing now. People are thinking at large and doing there respective job. The country is going up. The HRD index and other income generating and development index are up to the mark. All tend to be nice and normal. Bangladesh is advancing. Meanwhile it has reached to the stage of mid income generating country.
Sheikh Hasina, the three times Prime Minister of Bangladesh could bring change in line of SDGs. This is possible only for her indomitable courage which was succeeded to her from Banglabandhu and other things which are inherited from the father of the nation like love, feelings, humanity affection, patience and above all the leadership quality.
Bangladesh has reached to developing countries from LDCs. The Bangalees have celebrated it. The Bangalees are grateful to the leader and they are happy now. This position and trend needs to be sustained and uphold. Progress & privileges are required to be enhanced and steps to be taken. By the able leadership the Bangalees will be self-reliant very soon.
