Dev of maritime sector to be apprise in global arena : Khalid

Chattogram Bureau :
State Minister for Shipping Khalid Mahmud Chowdhury called upon the cadets, crews to work with honesty and dedications with the spirit of Bangladesh emergence in mind.
 He said Prime Minister has advanced the maritime sector with the ideoplogy of Father of the Nation.
The Minister disclosed it while addressing the passing out ceremony of the trainees of 20th batch of National Maritime Institute and the 9th batch of Madaripur Institute at NMI auditorium in the Port City on Tuesday as Chief Guest.
He said govt is working to implement the Vision 2021 and establishment of Sonar Bangla. These institute is undergoing courses to build skilled manpower in this sector. He said NMI has been affiliated with the course of Pre-Sea Cadet course . The quality of the training developed to global standard , he added. The chief guest observed the drills of the trainees and took salute of the trainees.
The chief guest also handed over prizes to the successful trainees and trainee Taswar Jahan clinch Gold Medal .
Director General of the Merchntile Marine Department Commodore Syed Ariful Islam was the special in it Chairman of the Chattogram Port Authority Rear Admral Zulfikar Aziz was also present on the occasion.