Detaining children in court lock up not acceptable


NEWS REPORTS in The New Nation on Tuesday said Chief Justice Mr Surendra Kumar Sinha was highly annoyed seeing four children detained along with their mothers in the Dhaka CMM court lock up when he was visiting the court on Monday. He vented anger with such violation of human rights and other basic rights of children to protect them and allow their growth in humane environment. Children are innocent but forcing them to live as equal criminals with their mothers is no less a crime. We whole heartedly share the observation of the Chief Justice when he said children like those boys will one day may become the President, Prime Minister or Chief Justice of the country. They can’t be ignored and maltreated for the fault of their mothers and elders. The Chief Justice has therefore rightly emphasized the need for proper rehabilitation of those children so that they do not turn out as criminals along with those in the lock up. In fact Bangladesh has many laws to protect child rights and promote their status. It is the responsibility of the state that children can grow free from abuse with proper education to become worthy citizens. But contrary to it, if children are found languishing in jail it is unacceptable by all means. But what appears to be slipping the eyes of the judiciary is the fact that children have been forced to live with their mothers charged in criminal cases. Neither the court can separate children for special circumstances in which mothers are accused in criminal cases, nor their life in the lock up is conducive to healthy growth. We know laws on children prohibit abusing child rights but the law to deal with juvenile justice is not adequate. The legal system, especially the juvenile criminal justice system does not clearly say how to save child rights when the mother will be in jail. The Chief Justice’s concern is a genuine one and sociologists should ponder how the situation can be changed. That is a big hope for the humane consideration for a human situation.But now what can be done is that there should be some special arrangement for children and mothers when they are to be produced before the court and not locked up with other accused.
