Derelict river Kumar in Faridpur to be re-excavated


BSS, Faridpur :
River Kamar, the life line of greater Faridpur, an waterway which once had attachments of many eminent personalities including Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and more dearly poet Jasimuddin who composed many of his immortal poems centering the river now dried up will be re-excavated.
Bangabandhu had close attachments with Faridpur from student life as a political personality who had to make journeys by boat through the Kumar River as there was no road connection with Tungipara or Gopalganj.
Kumar, originating from the river Padma nearby this district has been flowing bisecting this district town and touched a part of Muksudpur of Gopalganj till it meets Madaripur beel route canal at Takerhat. The length of this river distance is about 48 miles.
But with the passage of time the river-once which had its vigor and youthful flowing life has dried up at many places even can be termed that it is dead now due to siltation, encroachments and without care.
Poet Jasimuddin had special attachments with the river as his ancestral home in tiny village Gobidapur under Ambicapur union in the outskirts of the district is situated on its bank.
The poet composed many of his poems, lyrics and many stories centering Kumar. Poet’s famous ballad “Sojon Badiar Ghat”, and so on were composed centering Kumar River. The river is now flowing in that place like narrow drainage canal.
The people of all sects and caste have been demanding the restoration of the river to its life for navigation, fishing and for ensuring a healthy life of the people residing by the two sides of the river.
A recent announcement of Expatriate Welfare and Overseas Employment Minister Engineer Khondoker Mosharraf Hossain, came from an inaugural function of Jasim Pollimela on Saturday, has created a pleasant and happy feelings among the people. The Minster said the dried up Kumar would be re-excavated soon.
The Minister further informed that he had already discussed with the Water Development Board personnel about this project. They were instructed to prepare a project profile(PP) on the re-excavation of Kumar, the minister added.
