Depression grips university students over future job prospects


Noman Mosharef :
The rising trend of depression among university students is at alarming level which may jeopardize their future career. The depression and mental stress of students has been increasing continuously, particularly during Covid-19 pandemic.
This finding has come out in a research done by Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST).
The Research said about 70 per cent university students are facing huge mental pressure about their future career due to coronavirus pandemic. Besides, 80 per cent are at depression.
The Research further said insecurity at the work places during and post Covid-19 pandemic is solely responsible for students depression and mental stress.
‘Depression and Stress Regarding Future Career among University Students during Covid-19 Pandemic’ titled research conducted by the lead of SUST Statistics Department Professor Dr Md Jamal Uddin and other three associates.
The research article was published in the international journal PloS ONE.
Dr Md Jamal Uddin said the main objective of the research was to find out the mental situation of the Bangladeshi university students about the future career during and post pandemic. The research was done in the country’s 62 University’s third and fourth year and masters students.
Research showed about 70 per cent students are passing their time with massive mental stress about their future career. The high rate of mental stress of those who are thinking Covid-19 pandemic has made their future work forces uncertain. Another reason for depression and mental pressure is that coronavirus pandemic has delayed the students education life adding to enter the work.
After scrutinizing the data of participant five hundred students, it was seen that the students who were offered an internship at an educational institution or department or have an internship included in their curriculum are 36 percent less likely to suffer from depression and stress than the rest of the students.
Professor Dr Md Jamal Uddin said delays in graduation, lack of skills to get a suitable job, lack of startup plans and internships from educational institutions are contributing to the increase in frustration and stress. Governments as well as universities should come forward by offering online mental health care programs and internships after graduation. So we need to introduce mental health care programs for students.
