Blogger Rajib murder: Deposition of 3 more PWs recorded

Court Correspondent :
The Speedy Trial Tribunal-3 of Dhaka yesterday recorded the deposition of three more prosecution witnesses in the case filed about the killing of blogger
Ahmed Rajeeb Haider in Pallabi area of the capital.
Judge Syeed Ahmed of Tribunal recorded the depositions of Md Mostafa, Akram Hossain Mithu and Abdul Mannan on Monday, and later fixed September 8 to record the depositions of the witnesses again.
The court so far recorded the depositions of eleven witnesses including Rajeeb’s father Dr Nazimuddin, younger brother Newaz Mortaja Haider and cousin Kazi Galibul Islam.
Detective Branch (DB) Police Inspector Nibaran Chandra Barman submitted the chargesheet of the case accusing eight persons including Ansarullah Bangla Team (ABT) Chief Mufti Jasim Uddin Rahmani.
The eight accused persons are: Ansarullah Bangla Team Chief Mufti Jasimuddin Rahmani, Redwanul Azad Rana (fugitive), Md Faisal Bin Nayem alias Dweep, Maksudul Hasan alias Anik, Md Ehsan Reza alias Rumman, Nayem Sikdar alias Iraj, Nafis Imtiaz and Sadman Yasir Mahmud. Of the accused seven are the former students of North South University.
Rajeeb, a Gonojagoron Moncha activist was hacked to death at Pallabi area in the city on February 15, 2013. His father Dr Nazimuddin later filed the murder case with Pallabi police station.