Deploy more competent people to ensure airport`s security


NEWS reports on Friday said the British government is asking for more steps to improve aviation security. Particularly it is laying emphasis on more measures to secure Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport in Dhaka to lift the ban on both cargo and passenger flights now under manifold restraints. It is not that our aviation authority has not done anything, but foreigners want more. The German government is also pressing for improving airport’s safety standard. Only recently Australian government lifted an earlier ban on delivery of garment samples by air beyond certain weight but the issue of safety is only getting complex from all sides to hurt our exporters — be it garments, fish or vegetables. They are remaining stranded and often unprotected at the airport because of slow scanning and security handling. The government appointed a British security firm in March and we believe it must do everything that is required to strengthen airport security. The British government on several occasions had pointed out that more manpower was required for the supervisory work at the airport. We don’t understand why the government is not lining up the required manpower and there is also doubt at the same time why the security firm is not doing enough to fill up the gap. Our belief is that since a British firm is working, there can’t be more complaint from the British government. It must get the remaining work fulfilled without delay.There is no doubt Bangladeshi authorities have taken much time to pay heed to security gap affecting direct cargo flight from Dhaka to London. But the government can’t be blamed now alone as the British firm is working to improve the situation. But it does not however mean that the lapses of the Bangladesh government can be overlooked anyway by way of bureaucratic handling of sensitive issues killing time. Airport security has become all the more important now at a time when the country is facing growing militants’ attacks. Since the July 1 attack at Gulshan Holey Artisan Bakery that killed 22 people including 18 foreigners and subsequent attack at Sholakia in Kishoregonj, Bangladesh remains at the center of global scanning in security issues. Then killing of nine militants at Kalyanpur in a preemptive police action passed the message that militants are active to hit more targets. Airports are highly vulnerable because of cargo shipment that is why inclusive security screening is important. Militants may also appear as passengers and that needs high intelligence outreach and capacity to act quickly to defeat such move. All that needs inclusive airport security and competent manpower deployment. We have already put a bad signal to global community and we can’t afford more risks.
