Deploy army ahead of elections

Candidates ask CEC to stop police harassment during campaign


CM Kajawl :
Mayor and Councillor candidates of Dhaka North City Corporation (DNCC) demanded tough security measures and equal rights for all ahead during the electoral campaigns at a view-exchange meeting with the Election Commission (EC) on Sunday.
They also complained of the Police’s harassment against their activists and supporters disrupting their election campaigns ahead of the city polls, taking place on April 28.
BNP-blessed Mayor candidate Tabith Awal and Bikolpo Dhara Bangladesh-backed candidate Mahi B Chowdhury stressed the need for army deployment to maintain law and order situation.
Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Kazi Rakibuddin Ahmad assured the candidates of taking adequate security measures to hold the election in a free and peaceful manner, but said the issue of army deployment would be discussed in a law enforcement agencies’ meeting on April 19.
Returning Officer of DNCC organized the meeting at the auditorium of Krishibid Institute in the city.
Tabith Awal, the son of disqualified Mayor candidate and BNP leader Abdul Awal Mintoo, said they cannot take part in the election campaigns as his men are being harassed by the law enforcement agencies.
“My people are being harassed by the law enforcers. Many activists of 20-party alliance are in hiding to avoid Police harassments. They cannot carry out campaigns in the area. We want equal rights for all candidates ahead of the elections,” he said.
With regards to army deployment, Tabith said it is required to build a congenial atmosphere for the elections. “If army is deployed, I think we’ll be able to take part freely in the election campaigns,” he said.
Mahi B Chowdhury also demanded army ahead of the city polls, saying that it would create an election-friendly atmosphere and help the people to fearlessly exercise their franchise in the upcoming elections.
He also underscored the need for creating ‘Citizen Participation Committees’ in every ward to monitor candidates’ expenditures.
Mayor candidate Jonayed Saki alleged that many candidates have violated electoral code of conduct, starting campaigns before April 7, the stipulated date to start campaigns, but the EC is yet to take action against them.
“It is the EC’s constitutional obligation to facilitate all candidates equally. But unfortunately it has done nothing,” he said, also adding that the law and order situation is also not very encouraging.
Mayor aspirant Abdullah Al Kafi said Police came to his house on the day of submitting nominations. “I don’t know why Police came to my residence. I criticized the Prime Minister as she announced the candidature of Awami League-backed Annisul Huq from Gonobhaban. I don’t know if it was the reason. However, Police should not harass anyone with specific allegations,” he said.
Reserved Councillor candidate Peara Mustafa said one of her activist was picked up by the Police on Saturday after campaigns, later, he was freed after a big deal of trouble.
Mayor candidate Nader Chowdhury said the EC lacks coordination in its functioning and the Election Commissioners should carefully make their comments on different issues.
Annisul Huq laid emphasis on the ‘level playing field’ for all candidates and hoped that EC would accept the demands of all candidates before the elections.
DMP Commissioner Asaduzzaman Mia said they were strictly following the directives of EC to hold creditable elections. “I want to assure the candidates that we will not any violation of code of conduct,” he said.
Later, the Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Kazi Rakibuddin Ahmad urged the police administration to ensure that no one is harassed ahead of the City Corporation election.
He asked the law enforcement agencies to create congenial atmosphere so that everyone can cast their votes in a free and friendly manner.
“I am directing the police administration to confirm that no one is being unnecessarily persecuted. The law enforcing agencies have to create an environment so that the voters exercise their franchise to elect their desired candidates,” he said.
Rakibuddin Ahmad called upon all electoral officers including the Returning Officers to impartially discharge their functions with great determination.
Seeking all out cooperation from the candidates, he said, “We want your cooperation to conduct the polls with neutrality. I hope you will not breach the code of conduct for the elections. I also expect that you will not take law in your own hands.”
The candidates have every right to appeal against every decision of the electoral officers, Rakibuddin Ahmad, so, one should breach the law to put themselves into any trouble.
Regarding the army deployment during the election, the CEC said it would be decided in the law enforcement agencies meeting on April 19.
However, he assured all that the highest security measures would be taken so that the voters can freely cast their votes.
“Security measures would be further beefed up to hold a free, fair and credible election. We have already deployed a large number of law enforcers. The number of magistrates has been increased. It would be increased further if needed,” he said.
Election Commission (EC) has taken measures to ensure equal rights for all candidates so that they can carry on their campaigns in their respective areas, said Rakibuddin Ahmad. “If you have any complaint, forward it to the Returning Officers. EC must take action,” he said.
“We’ll do everything to hold a neutral and participatory election. The violator of electoral code will not spared,” CEC added.
Among others, Election Commissioner Mohammad Abdul Mubarak, Mohammad Shahnewaz, Jabed Ali, Mohammad Abu Hafiz, EC Secretary M Sirajul Islam, DMP Commisisoner Asaduzzaman Mia, Returning Officer of DNCC Mohammad Shah Alam were also spoke on the occasion.
