Denmark to boost dev ties with BD

UNB, Dhaka :
Denmark will reinforce its development partnership with Bangladesh through a new country programme with strong focus on inclusive, pro-poor and sustainable growth.
The programme is expected to kick off next month which is in line with the Bangladesh Government’s own 7th Five Year Plan and the global Sustainable Development Goals. “It has a strong focus on inclusive, pro-poor and sustainable growth. Empowerment of the poor, the vulnerable and the women cuts across all interventions,” said Danish Ambassador Hanne Fugl Eskjær in her message marking Constitution Day 2016.
She said, the country programme has three broad thematic areas and they are – Agricultural Growth and Employment, Climate Resilience & Sustainable Energy and Governance and Rights. These thematic areas are underpinned by 12 specific projects with a broad variety of partners, including government departments and divisions, NGOs and UN organisations.
The diplomat said the Danish government is also working directly with the Bangladeshi government in a Strategic Sector Cooperation project implemented through the Labour ministries of the two nations.
The objective of the project is to strengthen the capacity of the Bangladesh’s inspection authorities, particularly the Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishments.
This will result in a more professional authority which
 will benefit the workers and their safety as well as support the employers. Denmark has posted a Growth Counsellor at the embassy in Dhaka with a view to facilitating project, and the cooperation will continue for three years. The envoy observed that the current strong partnership is the result of a close collaboration between Denmark and Bangladesh for more than four decades. “Denmark and Bangladesh have much to gain from continuing and further strengthening this strong partnership in areas such as development, climate resilience, business, research and culture.”
The partnership, she said, continues to evolve with the new challenges and opportunities that emerge, especially within the energy sector. The 5th of June marks the historic day in 1849 when King Frederik VII signed Denmark’s first constitution. Denmark was among the first countries to recognise Bangladesh as an independent nation.